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Large-billed pelican stands on a square platform overlooking a dam. The platform is directly on the water. -- Smithsonian National Inventory
Chief Bemidji stands with his proper right hand raised to shield his eyes and his proper left hand holding a rifle, the butt of which rests on the ground. A small log is at his feet. The sculpture is surrounded by a low chain-link fence. --…
A giant loon overlooks a lake. It is painted black and white and has red eyes. The sculpture is mounted on a rectangular base covered with aqua artificial turf. -- Smithsonian National Inventory
A large turkey, atop a wooden base, stands with its wings swept back and tail raised and fanned. The turkey has a blue crest, red throat, and its body is white with blue highlights. -- Smithsonian National Inventory
A large turkey stands with its wings by its side and its tail feathers raised and fanned. -- Smithsonian National Inventory
Paul Bunyan stands next to Babe the Blue Ox. Paul Bunyan has a moustache and a cigar in his mouth. He wears a visored cap, a long-sleeved checkered shirt and shoes. Paul Bunyan is mounted on a trapezoidal base. --Smithsonian National Inventory
Intended as a gathering space for students, this work reflects the iconography and history of the northern Minnesota landscape. The sculptural elements suggest water (boat benches), sky (dome/mound with star drawings), and the landscape (cast bronze…

A geometric collection of squares inset within a rectangular frame.

A bust of Ivar Aasen, philosopher and poet, atop a tall granite base. -- Smithsonian National Inventory

A multi-part sculpture placed along several walls of the Administration building. One wall includes cast bronze and painted aluminum shapes, including a propellor on a pole (giving the illusion of slicing through the building); a triangular grid…
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